Lucas ROVIGE (promo 2019) a reçu le prix Plasmas de la European Physical Society 2024 (EPS)
Lucas ROVIGE (promotion 2019), vient de recevoir le prix Plasmas de la European Physical Society (EPS) pour sa thèse de doctorat soutenue le 30/11/2022 sur « Optimization, stabilization and optical phase control of a high-repetition rate laser-wakefield accelerator ».
Thèse préparée au Laboratoire d’Optique Appliquée sous la direction de Jérôme Faure pour un doctorat de l’Institut Polytechnique de Paris.
Le prix lui sera remis lors de la prochaine EPS en Espagne du 8 au 12 juillet 2024.
Pour mettre en avant le caractère exceptionnel de la thèse soutenue, voici un extrait du commentaire du jury justifiant ce choix :
"High praise recommendations pinpoint a quickly-achieved autonomy, an impressive scientific maturity of the student and an outstanding contribution that open new perspectives in the wake-field accelerator field. This work is already recognized by a 7 highly-cited papers in peer reviewed journal, 5 as first author in high-rated journals such as PRX and by 2 invited presentations at international conferences.
With teaching experience at physics department of its institution and a postdoctoral researcher position got immediately in University of California, on laboratory astrophysics showing his ability to irrigate other research domains, this brilliant and creative student is a worthy recipient of the European Physical Society PhD award."
Toutes nos sincères félicitations à Lucas !
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